This Advanced Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 training class is for PowerPoint 2016 users who want to build upon their basic skills.
This Advanced Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 training class is for PowerPoint 2016 users who want to build upon their basic skills.
This course is intended for students who have basic skills with Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 who want to learn advanced-level skills or students who want to learn the topics covered in this course in the 2016 interface.
This module explains how to customize your presentations by adding backgrounds, themes, and other elements to help them stand out and to deliver the right message to your audience.
Applying a Theme
Applying a Background Style
Adding a Footer
Arranging and Printing Sections
Exercise: Adding a Background Image
Exercise: Customizing Your Presentation
Not available for this module
Lab lessons not available
Apply a theme.
Apply a background style.
Add a footer.
Add a background image.
Save a custom theme.
Arrange and print sections of a presentation.
This module explains how to work with presentation masters in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.
Working with the Slide Master
Slide Layouts
Formatting Slide Masters and Layouts
Adding a Watermark to Your Presentation
Adding Slide Numbers Using the Slide Master
Inserting a New Slide Master
Preserving a Slide Master
Modifying the Notes Master
Modifying the Handout Master
Adding a Header and Footer to Notes and Handouts
Exercise: Using the Slide Master
Not available for this module
Lab lessons not available
Work with the slide master.
Work with layouts.
Format slide masters and slide layouts.
Add a watermark.
Add slide numbers.
Insert a new slide master.
Preserve a slide master.
Modify the slide master.
Modify the handout master.
Add a header and footer to notes and handouts.
This module explains how to work with special effects in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.
Animating Text and Objects
Working with the Animation Painter
Setting Animation Timing
Animating a Chart
Exercise: Applying Special Effects to a Presentation
Not available for this module
Lab lessons not available
Animate text and objects.
Work with the Animation Painter.
Set animation timing.
Animate a chart.
This module explains how to work with SmartArt in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.
Inserting SmartArt Graphics
Modifying Smart Art Graphics
Resizing/Repositioning a SmartArt Object
Inserting Text into a SmartArt Object
Formatting Text in a SmartArt Object
Adding Shapes to a SmartArt Object
Ungrouping SmartArt Objects
Exercise: Working with SmartArt
Not available for this module
Lab lessons not available
Insert SmartArt graphics into your presentations.
Modify SmartArt graphics.
Resize and reposition SmartArt graphics.
Ad text to a SmartArt object.
Format text within a SmartArt object.
Add shapes to a SmartArt graphic.
Ungroup SmartArt objects.
This module explains how to work with multimedia features in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.
Creating a Photo Album
Adding Captions
Applying a Theme to Your Album
Customizing an Album
Exercise: Creating and Modifying a Photo Album
Inserting Sounds and Video
Editing Media Clips
Exercise: Adding Video to a Presentation
Not available for this module
Lab lessons not available
Create a photo album.
Add captions to photos in an album.
Apply a theme to an album.
Customize the photo album layout
Insert sound and video in a presentation.
Edit media clips in PowerPoint.
Change Multimedia settings.
This module explains how to work with slide shows in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.
Setting Up a Custom Show
Creating a Hyperlink
Adding an Action Button
Jumping to Another Presentation
Exercise: Presenting a Custom Show
Using Rehearse Timings
Navigating within a Slide Show
Annotating a Presentation
Creating a Presenter-Independent Slide Show
Setting Up a Slide Show to Repeat Automatically
Exercise: Preparing the Slide Show
Not available for this module
Lab lessons not available
Set up a custom slide show.
Create a hyperlink.
Add an action button.
Jump to another presentation.
Rehearse the timing of your presentation.
Navigate within a slide show.
Annotate a presentation.
Create a presenter-independent slide show.
Set up a slide show to repeat automatically.
This module explains how to work with outlines and slides in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.
Exporting Notes and Handouts to Word
Exporting an Outline to Word
Saving a Presentation as an Outline
Exercise: Exporting an Outline to Word
Not available for this module
Lab lessons not available
Export notes and handouts to Word documents.
Export an outline to a Word document.
Save your presentation as an outline.
Save a slide in your presentation as a graphic.
This module explains how manage multiple presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.
Merging Multiple Presentations
Reusing Slides from Other Presentations
Viewing Multiple Presentations
Tracking Changes in PowerPoint
Exercise: Reviewing Changes in PowerPoint
Not available for this module
Lab lessons not available
Merge multiple presentations.
Reuse slides from other presentations.
View multiple presentations.
Track and manage changes in PowerPoint.
This module explains how to share and secure a presentation.
Sharing a Presentation with a Remote Audience
Embedding the Fonts in a Presentation
Inspecting the Presentation
Packaging a Presentation for CD
Using the Power Point Viewer
Exercise: Sharing a Presentation
Encrypting a Presentation
Adding a Digital Signature
Marking a Presentation as Final
Granting Permissions
Compressing Pictures
Sending a Presentation in PDF format
Exercise: Securing a Presentation
Not available for this module
Lab lessons not available
Share your presentation with a remove audience.
Embed fonts in a presentation.
Inspect the presentation.
Package your presentation for a CD.
About PowerPoint Viewer.
Save your presentation for web viewing.
Encrypt your presentation.
Add a digital signature to your presentation.
Grant permissions.
Compress the pictures in your file.
Send your presentation in PDF format.
This module explains how to use PowerPoint comments, motions paths, and the eye dropper.
Using Comments
Exercise: Using the Comments Feature
Motion Path Changes
Creating Custom Color with the Eyedropper
Not available for this module
Lab lessons not available
Use PowerPoint comments.
Use Motion Paths.
Use the Eyedropper.
This module explains how to use the Merge Shapes and Ink Equation features.
Using Comments
Exercise: Using the Comments Feature
Motion Path Changes
Creating Custom Color with the Eyedropper
Not available for this module
Lab lessons not available
Use PowerPoint comments.
Use Motion Paths.
Use the Eyedropper.
This module explains how to use the cloud in PowerPoint.
Using the Cloud
Exercise: Using the Cloud
Not available for this module
Lab lessons not available
Use the Cloud in PowerPoint 2016.
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